Jre\javaw.exe not found.
Possible 2 workarounds:
Work Around 1:
- If we copy the jre folder in the above location. Copy the latest jre installation to a path without spaces. Example : C:\jre6
- Check what are the switches supported by the “setup.exe”
- C:\MW11G \oracle_common\oui\bin>setup.exe -jreLoc C:\jre6 –help
- Now, start uninstall process by starting the “setup.exe” with required switches.
- C:\ MW11G\oracle_common\oui\bin>setup.exe -jreLoc C:\jre6 –deinstall
- De-installation wizard should start.
Work around 2:
The de-installer is first search for oraparam.ini file. In this file all the jre and jre_location were specified. It will try to get the jre from that location. If that location was not found. It throws above mentioned error.
This will happen when we install any oracle product with java at one location. Later we moved the java JDK/JRE location to other location or de-installed java.
In my case, java [jdk/jre] was pointing to earlier location, which was deleted by mistake. So when oraparam.ini pointing to same location it gives this error.
You can install JDK / JRE again. Point to the JDK and JRE location to the oraparam.ini file. Then following command will work properly. Product get deleted successfully.
Now without any errors: De-installer wizard will run.