Replacing the Oracle logo in OOTB
Right click and check the location of the oracle_logo.png location.
To find the pyhsical location login to console and check the analytics application server.
Copy the analytics.ear and replace the oracle_logo.png with your logo(IMP keep the name of your logo as oracle_logo.png with same size image).
Steps to unzip the .ear and .war as follows.
1.Take a backup of analytics.ear
2. Unzipping the .ear file.
Use the below commannd
jar -xvf analytics.ear for extraction
3. Unzipping the .war file
Move the analyics.war into a folder and unzip
Unzip using the below command
jar -xvf analytics.war for extraction
after unzip looks loike below:
4. Replace the oracle_logo in the below locations
5. delete the old analytics.war file and compress the newly added logo and other folders.
Del analyics.war
6 compress and create the analytics.war which includes new logo using the below command line.
jar -cvf analytics.war *
* denotes compress all the files and folders in that location
7 compress the analytics.war and meta-inf for ceating the analytics.ear
Move the analytics.war, META-INF folder and analytics-ws.war in to a folder for compressing
Stop the weblogic server.
Now replace the new analytics.ear in the below location.
Start the weblogic and the logo will be changed and look like below.